Welcome to my website. I’m hoping to provide you with some useful packing tips. My name is Ellen Monday. My family and I moved from a very large home to a large home. My point being, although we still live in a large house, we did downsize. It was almost like packing for two moves because we had belongings going to the new house and some going to storage. We had to make decisions about what we wanted to keep, store and get rid of. I have some tips on how we made those decisions, and the best ways we found to pack. Items that were going into storage were packed differently than those we were moving to the new house. Boxes had to be carefully and clearly marked so we didn’t end up storing our everyday dishes or something tragic like that! Hope you enjoy my blog.
25 November 2015
Few things are more frustrating than dealing with a dead air conditioner in the middle of a hot summer. In addition to going days without air while you choose a new model, you might wonder what the difference is between newer systems and those traditional standbys—especially since those basic models are cheaper. However, newer air conditioners can eliminate all kinds of traditional HVAC hassles. Here are two cutting edge air conditioning features you need to know about, and how they might improve your home:
28 October 2015
If you are getting ready to do your fall landscape projects, you may be ready to run up to your local home improvement store to pick up all of your needed supplies. Although your mulch, gravel, sand, tools, or other needed components may fit on the back of your truck, make sure you take along your truck tarp. There are more than a few reasons you will want to use it.
8 September 2015
If you've been thinking about installing an automatic driveway gate on your property, you might be wondering if it's worth the investment. Automatic driveway gates are a great addition in most cases, particularly for issues like security, property value and general safety. Here are a few of the benefits of investing in an automatic gate for your home's driveway. Increase Your Property Value If you choose a gate that aesthetically enhances the structure of the fence and your landscaping, it's likely to improve your property's appraisal value.
5 August 2015
White-footed ants aren't a household name, but that doesn't mean that they're not a huge problem for homeowners. Here are five things you need to know about these ants. What do white-footed ants look like? White-footed ants are fairly small ants; they are about one-eighth of an inch long. Their bodies are either brown or black, and as their name suggests, the lower half of their legs is a creamy white color.
9 July 2015
If your condensate drain pipe does not come with an access tee, then you are at a disadvantage when it comes to performing routine maintenance needed to keep the condensate from clogging. Fortunately, you can install your very own low-cost, simple PVC tee that will enable you to easily access the drain pipe. Below is what you will need, as well as how to install the tee for better air conditioner repair.